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Commands List

All commands listed here are the defaults, no added commands will be stated here.
Further commands can be located here
Here you will not find information about making new commands, that can be found here
Exampleargument: argTypeAdminThis is not an actual command, just an example!
admintarget: playerIdDefaultDeveloperAdmins a specific player.
banplayer: playerId, reason: banreasontypeDefaultModPermanantly bans a player.
kicktarget: playerId, reason: stringDefaultModKicks a player.
loadoutplayer: player, loadoutClassification: loadoutDefaultDeveloperGives a pre-setup loadout.
localLogstarget: playerDefaultModGets a players local logs.
modtarget: playerIdDefaultAdminMods a specific player.
tBanplayers: playerId, reason: banreasontypeDefaultModTemporarily bans a player.
timetext: timeofdayDefaultDeveloperSets the time of day.
unadmintarget: playerIdDefaultDeveloperunAdmins a specific player.
unBantarget: playerId, reason: stringDefaultModunBans a specific player.
unModtarget: playerIdDefaultAdminRevokes a player's moderation priviledges
watchtarget: playerDefaultModWatches the selected player.
announcetext: alertcolor, persistent: boolean, text: stringDefaultModMakes a server-wide modal announcement.
bringplayers: playersDefaultDeveloperBrings a player or set of players to you.
carplayer: player, vehicle: carmodelDefaultDeveloperCreates a car instance in someones inventory.
delCarplayer: player, vehicle: carmodelDefaultDeveloperDeletes a car instance from someone's inventory.
forcefieldtargets: playersDefaultDeveloperforcefields a player or group of players.
gotolocation: locationDefaultModGoes to a certain waypoint.
healthplayers: players, percent: numberDefaultDeveloperSets a player(s) health percentage.
kickvictims: playersDefaultDeveloperKills a player or set of players.
notifycolor: alertcolor, players: players, text: stringDefaultModMakes a specific announcement.
nuke (icbm)target: players, quantity: integerDefaultDeveloperICBM's someone.
respawntargets: playersDefaultDeveloperRespawns a player or a group of players
reviveplayers: players, percentOfHealth: numebrDefaultDeveloperRevives player(s) with an optional amount of health
teamplayers: players, team: teamsDefaultDeveloperSets a persons team.
teleportfrom: players, destination: player @ vector3DefaultDeveloperTeleports a player or set of players to one target.
todestination: player @ vector3DefaultDeveloperTeleports you to another player.
toolplayers: players, items: tools, quantity: integerDefaultDeveloperGives tools to a persons inventory
unforcefieldtargets: playersDefaultModunforcefields a player or group of players.
uptimeNONEDefaultDeveloperReturns the amount of time the server has been running.
weatherwhichStorm: weatherDefaultDeveloperSets the current weather.